Body Habit Rescue | Mom Health and Fitness, Burnout, Self-Care, Mindset, Strategic Habits and Routines
Do you know what your body and health need but can’t figure out why it’s not working for your goals? Are you burning out as you do for others in family, work and community, but never find time to care for yourself? Have you given up on the diet roller-coasters, heavy workouts and weight loss obsession but don’t know what to do next? You are not alone! And your health matters. I am here to help you find balance, whole health, and confidence in your body again, helping you center the most important support for your life - your body’s health. Hey, I’m Lu, certified personal trainer and lifetime mover. After babies, I wrestled with the weight loss game and LOST, time and again. It was only when I realized I needed to make whole health my first priority that I began my journey to true wellness. My mission is to help us love our bodies to whole health. I created Body Habit Rescue, a health habit program that aims to get ambitious working moms unstuck. And I’m ready to share this with you! If you are ready to learn basic ways to care for yourself daily, then listen in. Wherever you are, refill that empty water bottle, lace up those shoes, grab those earbuds, because we are about to move your health. JOIN the Online Community -> Be an INSIDER -> Get unstuck in your body basics ->

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
APPLY NOW! Body Habit Rescue April 16-June 11 cohort application deadline is April 14. Go to to apply!
Friend, are you a motivation hoarder? Me too!! And I’m constantly trying to create new and better habits and routines to support my work, my family and my health. But I have found the best motivation of all is our own progress. And we don’t have progress unless we start. Action is always a better teacher than motivation when starting a new habit.
Listen in, and get ready to take some actions on those big health goals of yours.
JOIN the Online Community -> an INSIDER -> UNSTUCK in your health goals -

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
APPLY NOW! Body Habit Rescue April 16-June 11 cohort application deadline is April 14. Go to to apply!
All areas of healthy living matter - they all contribute to whole health. But it helps me to break “healthy living” down into specific, vital habit areas to ensure I am taking care of my health in the midst of life’s juggle.
Are you getting enough sleep?
Are you moving?
What are you eating?
Drink any water lately?
Let’s explore four foundational areas of whole health to get you started - or restarted - on your daily wellness journey.
JOIN the Online Community -> an INSIDER -> UNSTUCK in your health goals -

Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
We do so much for the people around us, but at what cost? I have worked with a lot of people closely now for the last few years, and I find there is one recurring habit that really gets in the way of managing things like fatigue, stress, or even things as important as hormonal balance and insulin resistance.
Are you getting enough sleep?
Listen in now because we’re going to talk about why you’re not getting sleep and a few things you can do to fix it.
JOIN the Online Community -> an INSIDER -> UNSTUCK in your health goals -

Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
If you have little ones, under age 9 or so, you know that you are rolling with changes -
their growth and development to schools - preschool, kindergarten; changing schedules with holidays and sports and all the things - there are SO many things competing for our time and attention and energy in the early years. That is why it is a crucial time to begin developing habits that will support your littles’ health - the whole family’s health - in the long term. I have 3 key habits that you can begin working into their daily health today. Let’s get into it.
JOIN the Online Community -> an INSIDER -> UNSTUCK in your health goals -

Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Did you grow up in an environment that made you think something was wrong with your body? Or maybe there was something to hide, to be ashamed of, or to fear about your body or other people's bodies?
No matter your personal history with body confidence, I want to encourage you to have new curiosity about your body and to be empowered to make new and helpful judgments about your amazing body that actually support your health.
JOIN the Online Community -> an INSIDER -> UNSTUCK in your health goals -